I'm gonna tell you about my brush with depression,
I found myself in a Zombie Land overwhelmed with feelings of tiredness, anxiety and sorrow,
If I could write about these feelings it could be game changing for the sufferers,
Yet I just couldn't be bothered, sod it, I'll do it tomorrow.
I woke up to no tea, toast or heat,
My fireman friend went of his head,
You've been running all those appliances from just one socket,
You want to stop felling sorry for yourself and be grateful your not dead.
The safety switch had overloaded and tripped out,
OK, he was right, maybe it saved my life,
But was my Spirit Guide also telling me something,
My life was overcrowded with work, chaos and strife.
You can only put so much weight on your shoulders,
Then the burden will break your back,
Was this God's ultimate safety switch,
To stop you self destructing and taking a heart attack.
Now I don't know if this was Divine intervention,
But suddenly everything feel in place,
I was a adrenaline junkie keeping to many balls in the air,
That's why my mind went into shut down, it was to give itself some space.
I didn't need a course of happy pills,
I needed to rethink my whole life and learn to say NO,
For to many years I've been bullied and manipulated into taking on more and more,
It's time for me to man up and tell them were to GO.
Depression can't be tackled alone
So I talked to my friends and went for counselling for emotional healing,
But now I'm living a more balanced and grounded life,
I'm never ever going back to live in that prison with no wall's floor or celling.
I'm going to talk about the saddest day in my life,
The date from when my life would never be the same,
You took away the euphoria of my childhood,
And replaced it with revolution, anger and shame.
I never did anything to lead you on,
Yet you targeted me from the start,
I've stopped felling like the world's most beautiful princess,
Now, I just fell like a cheap used tart.
(Well) I can't take this pain any-more,
Why should I feel assumed of how I feel?
It's time to cleanse my soul,
Tell the world how I feel,
I've actually written on my mirror,
I can, I will, I must, say how I feel,”
A home, a husband, a family,
That's what every woman dreams of in life,
At night, a mouth-watering playmate,
In the day, a loving devoted wife.
You took away all those dreams of paradise,
Have you any idea what that’s like?
In the day you work like a Trojan, felling undervalued,
When you go to bed, you feel like a worthless bike.
I've tried every comfort blanket know to man,
Gateau, Drink, Drugs and the like.
I still work like a Trojan, seeking approval,
I still go to bed, felling like a worthless bike.
You had your 3 minute thrill,
And I’m paying the price with every second of my life,
Why can't you just be normal?
Why can't you love your girlfriend, or wife?
I was watching the nature film,
Going to the water hole was Bambi's only crime,
The crock waiting for any pray,
Bambi.....Bambi, she was just in the wrong place, at the wrong time.
This gave me a whole new perspective on what happen,
A absolute clarity that’s cleansed my mind,
I'm still the worlds most beautiful princess,
And when I get flowers, that’s because I'm supportive, loving, kind.
I've gift wrapped all my bad karma and gone viral,
Here’s my gift, my poem, A whole of life sentence, ESPECIALLY FOR YOU!
So when you walk down the street people will feel revolution and disgust,
This shouldn't be my secret, the whole world should know who you are and what you do.
And for those that harbour and are complicit,
Think very hard about what you do,
For the next Soul that is being groomed for slaughter,
It might be some-one you love that is very dear to YOU!